Senin, 14 Februari 2011


Berikut ini adalah cuplikan hadist yang pernah saya dengar dari seorang Uztadz (baca:guru) waktu saya di Madrasah (baca:sekolah) kelas 2..

Dari Nu’man bin Basyir radhiyallahu ‘anhu: Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Masa Kenabian itu berlangsung di tengah-tengah kalian selama yang dikehendaki oleh Allah, kemudian Dia mengangkatnya apabila Ia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Zawjati (My Wife...)

“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahaa saara“ No matter what did or will happen
“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…

“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.
“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahaa saara“ No matter what did or will happen
“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…

“halaali anti laa akhshaa adulan…an numaqteee…” You're my rightful wife, I don’t fear sin… I don’t care not about those who like to reproach and irritate me.
"laqad azina zamaanulana bi wuslim ghayri mumbatteee” It is our destiny to be Together eternally.